save-the-date-web-s.jpgYou wouldn’t be on this page, reading this wedding post if you hadn’t already received your jaunty ‘Save the date’ postcard. (Like the one at right).

They’ve been a uniquely American addition to the wedding stationery array — a way to alert friends and family to halt all plans other than attending your wedding on a particular day. They’re also particularly useful for international weddings, where visas, leave and long trips need the maximum planning time. So with invitees from all but one continent (not counting Antarctica), the ‘save the date’ was a must.

But we had to allay the impression that we would only be filling your mailbox or post box with one measly colour postcard. Think again. This month (February) is committed to turning our diningroom table into a wedding invitation atelier. Watch out all those boutique stationers. Hallmark take cover.

And you should expect a somewhat portly wedding invitation pack to be heading your way in March.

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