Although this winter wasn’t particularly bitter, it does seem to have lasted for long enough. Between the largest snowfall ever recorded, and abberant temperature swings from the 20’s to the 60’s and back again, I can safely say that I’m ready for an extended Spring, please.
On a weekend warrior-styled run around the Bridle Path in Central Park this weekend, I witnessed heart-gladdening evidence that Spring might not only be on the way, it might be here.
Buds have swollen tree tips throughout the park, and in a few cases, newborn green leaves have begun to unfurl from their coccoon-like covering. Groundcover periwinkles are out with a few purple flowers to be seen.
But the most warming sight is to be had of a particularly sunny bank on the west side of the park near the Dakota. Here an entire hillside was ablaze with blooming daffodils. I can only hope this is evidence of March “going down like a lion” and “going out like a lamb.”
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