green_arrange.jpgI’m not sure if inspiring public indecency with a religious icon was what the Catholic Church had in mind when it canonized the kidnapped son of a wealthy English family, a.k.a. St. Patrick. (Really, see what the History Channel has to say.)

Or if St. Paddy himself would entirely be thrilled to be nominal reason for a half-dozen, completely drunk men to spill out of a Midtown Manhattan bar at barely past noon, only to stagger past the church next door and then for one of the group to relieve himself against a statue of the Virgin Mary.

Ah well, green beer, unintended consequences and all that.

In any event, there is nothing like a sea of green enthusiasts to turn one green. That is, if you were in Manhattan today and had any reason to be going about your business in the Fifth Avenue area — say an important appointment with your dentist or personal shopper — bad planning. Or perhaps if you had to use public transport, private transport, or step outside your personal domain, bad luck.

Which leaves only two options: join the teeming masses or breathe deep and enjoy the only kind of acceptable green for the day — natural beauty.

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