With little more than a month to go, we are bunkering down in our wedding preparation shelter a.k.a. our apartment. It seems a little ironic — turning down offers of dinner, movies and hanging out with our pals, only for the purposes of planning a party so we can hang out with our pals.

But of course there is much more than that, dozens of to do’s in fact. So we’re tackling the lists with zeal, rushing home from work to tackle more tasks; making pitstops at the visitor’s bureau to gather information for kits for visiting guests; and getting lost in the world of M&J Trimming for inspiration and ingredients for a boutonnierre experiment. (M&J is a world within a world, an absolute aesthetic delight. Great online but so much better in person.)

We’re spurred on not only by visions of our day realized, but by the modest pile of presents that have been arriving. Don’t think we’re ungrateful if you’ve sent us something and it’s not been acknowledged, we’re playing Christmas and only planning to open our bounty after we’ve earned it i.e. May 28th.

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