As Calvin’s six-month birthday approaches, so does his first taste of solid food. The little guy is ready; he apparently tried to nab one of his playmate’s bowls of cereal today!
In preparation for this new adventure we’ve procured a terriffic little bowl, a funky set of spoons (one for him to get the hang of utensils and one for us to actually feed him with), a cool cup from his Bobo (from which he is already sipping water) and…
…a hip high chair. (For the price tag I think we will have to continue to refer to it as his ‘haute chaise.’)
He is enjoying the elevated view, and being able to join us for dinner at the dining table. He can use the chair with its feeding tray or pulled up to the table to eat alongside us. (Thanks for the cool dude duds, GL&co!) And it can accomodate him until he graduates from university and beyond. Amortise that!
Technorati tags: high chair infant baby feeding
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