I’m not sure if Greek mythology is a universal educational rite of passage, but it certainly was for many people I know. So cast your mind back to the tale of the one-eyed monster, and you have a fairly good idea of my visual experience in the past 24 or so hours.

The reason for my unbalanced view on life? The inadvertent intersection of a bath brush being wielded by a certain approximately 32-inch tall mini-Amazon and my right eye last night. I raced off to my opthalmologist first thing this morning and was relieved to receive a report that while there were quite a few abrasion, there were only two scratches on my cornea which would heal fully within a few days.

So I played Snoopy’s Joe Cool all day in the office: wearing a pair of sunglasses indoors for the day. (Apparently my shadier take on the office reminded colleagues of either Lucy Liu or Yoko Ono. I’m sticking with Snoopy!)

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