The only person in our household who isn’t sick is the one who just arrived yesterday: my mom-in-law. And we plan to keep it that way, her state of health that is. It’s so fantastic to have her here.
The little guy is really battling to recover from the intestinal flu he had, and having serious trouble eating. We’re on a two-hour feeding schedule at the moment.
The big guy is battling an ear infection and sore head.
And as for me? Clobbered by something like the flu. Constantly exhausted, thought I am sleeping in, getting to be really early (as in just after the little guy) and taking two-hour naps in the afternoon. Plus full body aches that require acetominophen to quell them so they don’t keep me awake or wake me up. (FYI for those who may now know, I am a no no no painkiller person.)
Ah well. They say time (and fluids) heals everything, right?
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