Many weeks ago we spent a blissful, long, Labour Day weekend in Massacusetts. Because of life, the universe and everything, you’re only reading about it now. But hey, better late than never!

I think that I shall never see... a bench more perfectly placed than thee. This rustic bench was one of anumber scattered in the reserve we were in... and it was exactly Calvin sized.
Highlights from the weekend:
- G, C, R & B are the best! Who welcomes, as relatively short notice, a family of three on your long weekend? A million thanks to such gracious hosts.
- We *heart* the L house. It’s spectacular, vast and so beautifully furnished and finished.
- Calvin *hearts* his big buddy R, who, despite an almost five year age difference, apparently enjoyed showing the little guy the ropes. Sometimes literally, like the awesome backyard zip line. I think Calvin has experienced his first bout of idol worship ;0)
- We aspire to prepare those meals andbaked goods. The L house may just be the source of the world’s best chocolate chip cookies.
- And we loved being out in the great outdoors, from frogging to hiking and collecting treasures in the fields and woods. Hurrah!
To see some of what we got up to, in particualr the fields, forests and frogs, CLICK HERE.
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