The train cookie cake... I thought.
When Calvin and I discussed what sort of birthday cake he wanted for his third birthday, he confidently requested “a train cookie cake.” Not wanting to leave that open to interpretation, we discussed it for a while, agreeing that it would be a banana cake with cookies iced to form a train. After a hectic week, I spent hours, til 2am Saturday morning, baking and icing etc.
So imagine my ‘surprise’ when at “the reveal” (to use apt reality television terminology), the birthday client issued a firm rejection. “I don’t want that cake!” he declared, pushing it away violently. “It’s no good. We need another one… I want a black one (that’s Calvin-speak for chocolate.)” Followed in quick succession by, “I won’t blow out those candles…. No, don’t sing…. *scream* (that’s the 1,000 decibels.)”

Cupcake happy at his creche celebration
Ah… add to that two tantrums and our pal hitting the person he speaks frequently and fondly as “my favourite friend”… what a start to life with a three year old! I think the adults and other friends, who ranged from 3 months to 9 years old, had a good time. I was too busy shadowing mr overwrought to connect with anyone.
At least we had, the day before, had a modest and shared birthday moment at his creche. The cupcake selection was a hit… maybe that’s the takeaway for celebrating four years old: a variety of cake and icing to suit almost any last minute whim!
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