For those who may not know, I’m quite the fan of New York’s Easter Parade. It’s the most egg-alitarian of parades: simply pitch up with a milinery creation at 10am around E49th street on Fifth Avenue, and strut your stuff. Plus you get to admire the creativity and in some cases cranial engineering of other’s creations.
And being one for puns, well… it’s just too appealing. But my Easter Parade record of late has not been great. In 2007 I took a teeny tiny, six-and-a-half week Calvin. We wore complimentary chapeau creations, my title, “Sunny Side up.” In 2008 I got sick and who knows what happened in 2009 — that year seemed to have zoomed by in a flash. (Click here for a quick Easter Parade review.)
Well, I am going to take a crack at 2010.
- Will it work out?
- Will I be able to track down peeps? (Have six, need to stock up.)
- Will Calvin be keen? And if so, actually wear something I make for him… or not. (Note to self, think about how to keep his hat on. Further note to self following birthday experience, expect a no and maybe be pleasantly surprised!)
As for a theme, I have something punny in mind inspired by the recent winter olympics: Egg-streme sports… seems like the perfect idea for a hat that even a little boy might deign to don.
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