Let me be frank, the only reason I’ve been able to finally upload, caption, post and share these photos, is thanks to some Francophone friends. Tchoupi, Doudou and the gang are currently keeping C’s attention riveted on their antics in his weekly allowance of watching something on a screen. While he’s giggling and keeping me updated on what the gang are up to, I’m sitting on the (less than pristine) kitchen floor tagging and typing for all I’m worth. But, success on a Saturday morning. We have the photos from our recent trip to France to share. Click here to view the Flickr album (and get the backstory to this photo!)
In other, non-France related news, we are also the proud parents of a pre-schooler. Yes, C took a few hours to transition to pre-school and, as he’s informed us, “that’s *my* class.” He loves his new class so much it’s had a rather unfortunate home time result — he doesn’t want to leave and has been crying buckets on the way home. Apparently, he’d be quite delighted to be a permanent installation in the pre-school A classroom.
I’ve been blown away by the teachers and particularly the energy and thought that they’ve put into designing the curriculum. In summer (now until September), the class hits the streets, parks, green markets, buses and gardens public and private. They hoof it from place to place with an over-arching thread on food, plants, being scientists etc.
Come September there’s no less activity and weekly field trips, but these are designed by the children applying an emergent approach. For those (few) of you who’ve been subjected to my thoughts on this, you’ll know how utterly thrilled I am to have C in a Reggio environment.
Time to post this and instead of sit on the floor, clean it!
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