A possible trip to Denmark illuminates a cultural experience of a different kind. What surprises can be anticipated, besides through-the-roof prices for vodka?

Primarily, the one on my mind is accommodation. And how to apportion out an alloted daily allowance, understanding that Rands and Dollars notwithstanding, living in this Krone-trading land is expensive.

What is one to think about a hotel which lists among its primary attractions, a trouser press? I know I’ve seen one before. Does it come with training? Do I need it? With the knowledge that I don’t posess an iron, travel version or otherwise, it seems sensible for a myriad of reasons to steer clear of such a place to rest my head.

Other options promise more err… alluring options. Like footbaths. Footbaths? Does this mean the room comes with a bath that you can only stand up in, on one foot? (‘Cause I’ve definitely stayed in those kinds of joints — reminds me of the place in which the shower and toilet were a single room… you simply decided whether to have the lid open or shut as the need demanded.)

Or perhaps, like the continental bidet, this is a little-known Danish foot fetish addition to the standard bathroom and is an additional device for ensuring fresh feet?

Chart topping tourist enticements include “allergy-friendly rooms,” “no curfew,” “no lockout” and storage for everything from luggage, bicycle and pets, to children.

But on the other hand, those triple digit rate hotels also offer saunas, spas and all manner of “abundant Danish breakfasts” that include cheeses and herring in various forms. (Well, I have been known to be a rollmop kind of gal, so I could always view it as a ‘crudo Atkins’ opportunity.)

Nonetheless, a great opportunity to experience all this and what might be a land of perpetual twilight during these coldest months of the year, with highs of 0C.


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