invite2.jpgIt’s exciting news from all corners of the globe. The mail has not failed us; you are receiving your invitations. But how were they put together?

The motif was inspired by a set of cushion covers: Warholesque silkscreens of the South African national flower, the protea. They were a gift from the bride’s brother, Darryl, and his wife, Shayleen.

Tanya searched image banks, botanical registries and the art world high and low for suitable inspiration and sources, and came upon a series of paintings done by among others, an Edwardian lady who had travelled to South Africa in the late 19th century. Some of the botanical prints were featured in The Botanical Magazine.

invite.jpgUsing these and a colour palette, she designed the invitations and other wedding identity items you’ll see on the day and after it. Together, Tanya and Jay refined the designs, even selecting and buying a special font (Sloop for those who are interested.)

Then it was weeks of printing, measuring, cutting, glueing, compiling and taking to the post office for weighing and eventually, mailing it to you. We’re so glad you got it!

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