
This weekend marked the start of Calvin getting to meet the rest of his family. He got to meet his grandfather, “Pop,” as Jay’s dad and wife Carol came especially to New York to meet him. The photo above was taken when the three first met each other.

pat1.gifCalvin displayed his social charms and halo-worthy baby behaviour: When we decided to try and have dinner at a neighbourhood restaurant, the little guy slept the entire time; when he needed to nurse, we managed to do so in a dignified manner; and to top it off, he dispensed the smiles he has only recently discovered he can make.

This fabulous baseball cap (below right) had to be a big incentive for him to beam! Thank goodness the weather was hat-worthy, only deteriorating on Sunday.

hubers3.gifWe got to enjoy a sunny Saturday sampling the charms of the Greenmarket and stores in Union Square. With fresh stocks of SugarCubes, honey, maple syrup and new shoes, we caught the subway downtown to troll Tribeca’s quieter delights.

The diminutive Duane Park provided a well needed respite — an al fresco dining spot for Calvin, and a chance for us adults to take a seat in the sunshine and take a load off and put a load (of shopping bags) down. It also provided the perfect, uncrowded spot for us to snap some milestone photos that you see here.

No need for a paternity test folks. As you can see from Exhibit A at right, three generations of those Huber boys exhibit, among other similarities, what I like to call, “that Huber head!”

ta_duane_park.gifAnd no, you can’t resist smooching the Huber head especially the tiniest one that bobs and wobbles above these small shoulders.

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