We love Google’s Maps and Google Earth. Especially now that both have evolved into much more user-friendly forms.
I’d wanted to create a personal map for some time, but negotiating the API was too much trouble. Now it’s incredibly easy, and so we’ve created a map of baby-friendly venues in
Manhattan. It’s a “local’s map” with this personally curated and vetted baby-friendly establishments, venues are suitable for patronising with your one-year-old or younger infant.Calvin and I plan on keeping it updated. You can see the places we’ve been frequenting and giving the thumbs up to here.
As for Google Earth, wow, what a change! I’d trialed it ages ago and was disappointed to note that the one spot on earth I was most interested in appeared only as a blur shot from 20,000 feet up. 34°34’12.04″S and 19°21’3.60″E didn’t make it in the satellite path. So I abandoned interest in the tool.
Me of little faith… imagine my surprise when Jay investigated it and found a crystal clear view of exactly that spot and its surrounds. You’ll have to download and install the free application to see it, but here’s a view of what I was most interested in seeing: our plot in De Kelders in the Western Cape. We’ve marked it with the little house icon. (You can find out more about this perfect spot and see photographs by clicking here.
Technorati tags: Google baby restaurant map earth
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