swim.gifWith the weather hot and humid, it’s perfect for the pool. Throughout the summer I’ve taken Calvin to my gym to literally test the waters. It was actually after one of these pool runs that he decided he liked his bath. Except for one occasion, he has always been in the little kiddie pool, until now.

This most recent trip, clad in a swimming outfit that was Riviera-ready (thank you LN team!), and with extra hands in the form of Dad and Bobo, I decided it was time to try the big pool again. The extra hands were most welcome and needed — a pair to help hold and safely hand in the little guy to me once I got into the shallow end (which is deeper than the nine inches depicted in the photo!) and another pair to document the moments. (Bobo played photographer and wittily captured us with the ‘nine inches’ of the ‘three feet and nine inches’ depth marker in the foreground.)

Calvin loved it. Much more confident with both the locale and the element, he splashed and kicked vigorously for a whole 15 minutes (which, when you’re not yet six months old, is pretty good!)

This weekend is swelter weather again, so I hope to be leading a pool expedition tomorrow. this time we have a spring suit-styled costume for him, as this will help keep him warmer in the water, and hopefully up the fun factor even more.

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