cal_crawl_UNCCC_s.jpgWhen you see that phrase, “creepy crawlies,” your mind is likely to spring to one of two concepts: bugs or, if you’re South African, an automatic pool cleaner. But I’m not refering to either.

Our creepy crawly, pictured above, is in the delightful pre-crawling phase. Or, to be more exact, pre-frontward crawling stage. As his Bobo likes to put it, he’d have no problem with his reverse parking in the driver’s license test! (And not even six months old yet!)

We are savouring these last few days/weeks of being able to guess that while he won’t be where we put him down, he is likely to be somewhere behind where we put him down, progressing determinedly in a rearward, derrier-first fashion. (As they say, the last shall be first and all that!)

But as you can tell from this photo, he is getting his bum up and rocking back and forth. It’s only a matter of time before it’s bums away…

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