The Easter Parade countdown is well underway in our household, at least as far as I’m concerned. And the pressure is on. It’s a mere four days before parade day and all I have so far is an idea and some of the component pieces.

A motley assortment of bits are occupying various surfaces: a green plastic hat to be the basis of one chapeau by the CD rack, peeps and foam core board on the diningroom table, various fixatives from spray mount to double-sided tape securely stored in the craft cupboard, yellow and white felt in the wardrobe.

This year’s theme is a riff from the previous year, upping the visual and literal pun quotient, as well as the New York aspects. Don’t want to say too much — counting-chickens-hatching and all that easter-relevant aphorism jazz. But will it all come together to produce three hats in time for this weekend? Keep watching this space!

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