The first weekend in December is always one of my favourites. It is smack dab in the seasonal wave of goodwill, the scent of fresh cut pine, and ‘public art’ comprised of all the lobby and personal Christmas decor. It is also the week when, Pat & Carol, one set of our in-laws, come to visit.
It’s become an annual tradition over recent years: three days jam-packed with fun, great meals, conversation and exploring the city together. This year we enjoyed dinner at Bistro 61 (click here to read previous post) and Crispo — a pair of delectable evenings. We also hung out at Madison Square Park and Union Square, and watched a little part of a Western — Calvin loves horses (see the photo above.)
Best of all, Calvin got to spend time with his Pop and Carol… and he remembered exactly who they were. Hugs and fun and toys galore were shared. The little guy has been spending time since figuring out how to manoeuvre his new tricycle around the apartment, transporting all kinds of things from his new blocks and trucks to favourite fluffy toys. He very much likes the box that the unit block set came in… and likes building a little tower and singing the portions of ‘Happy Birthday’ that he knows (mostly “to you!”), ‘blowing out’ the tower candle and then tipping over the tower.
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