Nothing much to report for the past 10 days, except that I’ve had the need to a) take afternoon naps or b) drink actual caffienated coffee to remain alert. Add to that additional hours of sleep each evening and I think I have a dose of extended jetlag.

In between somnambulence and work, there’s also been:

  • Purchasing and trying out a large fanily-sized beach cabana (think tent) in our lounge. Calvin loved it, as, I admit, so did I. We zipped ourselves in and, at his spot-on labelling, had a picnic lunch. The SPF50 cabana folds into a slim disc, with the application of one strong husband, one instruction-reading wife, and the commentary of one toddler including, “Oh no tent! Tent is falling over…tent is upside down!”
  • Making granola. Inspired by Calvin’s gorging of a prohibitively expensive homemade mix at our local farmers’ market, we purchased the necessary ingredients, discovering why granola that’s big on nuts and small on cereal is peddled for $3 for a tiny bag.  Take the expensive ingredients and the fact that I, an avid granola consumer, have bever attempted (not considered) making it, and the pressure was on. Happily I can share that our apartment is exuding the delightful aroma of warm, maple and brown-sugar coated high calorie and high protein granola. Now let’s hope that Calvin remains enthusiastic about it, as we’re enthusiastic about diversifying his proteins.
  • Agreeing that Grammy knows what’s what. Like her gift some time ago of reggae versions of animated movie tunes and other children’s songs. Calvin is currently delighting in it, and can be heard singing the lines, “Booty and theeee beast,”  “Hakuna mutata, is a wonderful thing,” and “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf, la, la, la, la.” (sic) These have replaced his nap and bedtime lullabies (sorry Yoyo Ma.)
  • Sudden-onset pants shopping for a toddler who goes from having enough pants on Monday to growing out of half of them by Thursday…huh? Thankfully GAP has a sale on… and it’s where I’ll have to return for more shorts this week. (So long lunch!)
  • Hot pursuit of an umbrella. After all this rain and many days in his dinosaur raincoat (thanks Johnson cousins — he’s graduating into his dolphin one along with the new pants!), Calvin began to hanker after those colourful toys so many of his peers and older kids were displaying. More commonly known as the umbrella. While resisting many pressure of commercialised stuff, I feel comfortable with out purchase of a Thomas the Tank Engine umbrella. (But beware Thomas, you’ve just about tested the household limit!)


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