…not by Bilbo Baggins, just me.
Last week involved a lot of sedentary being, namely an 8.5 hour flight that turned into an 11-hour flight due to a three-hour delay that left us stewing on the tarmac. That dominoed into me behaving like a secret agent, changing from my travelling clothes into my suit in the airport bathroom and heading straight into meetings in Brussels. By 7pm, I had to excuse myself and collapse into my super comfy bed.
The next day was packed with meetings too, but we managed to finish by 6pm, only because the armed security personnel had to shut down the building! With a pitstop at Carrefour (a supermarket), to stock up on chocolate and French children’s books), dinner and bed and head back to the airport early the following morning.
You’d think that perhaps the air traffic ocntrol pantheon might smile kindly on one who has sat for three hours on the way in… but no, this time we were delayed two hours before we could finally embark on our return journey.
Verdict: too much sitting and eating. More physical activity needed.
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