Calvin happily waves in time to the tune.

It’s surprising how much the World Cup has influenced us the past month, from the fly-by visits to the daily discussions about teams, referees and who will emerge victorious. I for one am rather sad to find myself half a day away from knowing, and thus the conclusion of this World Cup.

What you can't hear is K'Naan's 'Wavin' Flag'

We are gearing up to make the most of the last hurrah, not the least Calvin’s request to play Wavin’ Flag and dance around madly in a circle as a family to it, a number of times. (It seems preschoolers have an inbuilt gyroscope that reduces the effects of dizziness. It was clear that I am very prone to getting lightheaded after some rounds of jumping about while revolving.) And he was very happily waving his flag!

As for who we’re supporting? Oranje!


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