Our independent tadpole

Summer 2011 is technically not even a week old if you go by the solstices, or going on four weeks if you take your measure from Memorial Day (this year 30 May). Over these few short days (weeks), I confess to truly feeling the spirit of this sunny season. Simple things bring pleasure, like indulging in a custom Mr Softee ice-cream-sundae-in-a-cone in the middle of a work day.

But it’s Jay who gets credit as the architect of summer. It was his idea to join our local pool club, and complete with deck chairs and umbrellas, it’s brought splashing fun into our lives multiple times a week. Who needs to suffer a beach commute when you can have as much fun a short stroll from your front door? The most impressive result has been C’s metamorphosis  from conservative pool user to independent bobber!

Base running.

Jay was also the orchestrator of another quintessential American summer moment: softball. We all got to enjoy the last game of his team’s season and C got to practice at bat (he may be a southpaw batter) and run the bases on the field that the team plays on: the Great Lawn in the middle of Central Park.

Hopefully, we’ll score a trifecta of summer experiences with C’s first foray into a local summer camp. Everyone needs a break after all.


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