'Le Petit Theatre' is now open for business

I don’t know if it’s autumn’s influence, but the urge to create is running high. I have a few projects on the go in various stages, and happily, a willing accomplice in the form of C.

Our Home Theatre

For people who don’t really watch TV (and for C who essentially gets to watch a or two DVD a week), our version of the home theatre is somewhat different. The only surround sound experience you’ll get is from the high volume vocals of my shorter partner as we put on short plays. We’ve finished the project to recycle an old poster box into a puppet theatre, although I definitely ran more than one stage in this project relay. The results look quite respectable, and I’m hoping that it’ll get more action over the winter. (You can see the work in progress in this old post.)

A circle of life

Next up is a wreath for our front door, and C has taken the lead in this project. For the past weeks we’ve been collecting items for it — colourful leaves from our various trips, tiny pine cones, and today, the holder that will attach it to our front door. So one of these weekends we’ll be hauling out the glitter pens, recycling old ribbons, aiming the glue gun (excitement and burn warnings)  and pulling it all together. Watch this space…

Halloween happiness

Most children enjoy Halloween because of the obscene amounts of sweets (candy to you Americans) that they can secure door-to-door and scoff. Our guy much prefers handing the stuff out (although I’m prepared to witness a reversal), and the project to transform our tiny entrance area into a seasonal space.

Our sparkly centrepiece pumpkin which we made at a children's art programme at our island's Fall Festival

This year we’ll be extending our efforts from last year. Partially due to a miscalculation on my end when I ordered 88 feet each of orange and black streamers… it’s a lot! and also because of the addition of a surprise I dare not reveal lest a certain husband be reading this blog. Our #1 pootjie (cauldron to the non-South Africans) will reprise its starring role as receptacle for the bulk sweets we’ve stocked up on. (Hopefully we will not run out and resort to handing out expensive organic granola bars instead as we did last year!) As for costumes, well, as you’ll see in a fortnight, C’s choice wasn’t something I’d have been able to make. Much to look forward to, most especially seeing some of our dearest friends from the West Coast over Halloween.

Floating our boat

As mentioned earlier, we’ve taken delivery of a kit to build a T-class racing sloop. This is a model boat you can plop down in a pond (or even the sea apparently) and ‘sail’ from one side to the other. It’s going to be fun, and a great multi-stage project for the whole family. We’ll build it together, but the adults will do the varnishing. There’s a boat pond in Central Park that we look forward to sailing on, and meanwhile, this kit has inspired C to take apart and experiment with the components of last year’s boat made from recycled items. Frequently at bath time we get to witness the experiment to, “test my hypothesis” about some particular combination of materials. This evening it was the bottom part of a metal London bus piggy bank bolstered bottom and sides with a selection of wine corks. The null hypothesis was disproved — it did not sink, whether floating right-side up or in an enthusiastic simulation of being swamped or capsized.


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