Quecha woman crossed the tracks in front of the Machu Picchu train

Yes folks, fresh from some overnight processing and early morning uploading… Fresh from the centre of Cusco… take a virtual visual walk through our after hours activities and adventures here in Peru.

Friends, colleagues and the tourism association tell me that Peru is the archaeological centre of Latin America, and also the culinary centre of the continent. (I’m sure many will take issue with the latter assertion, and I must say that I’ve enjoyed great food from Panama City to Ushaia (which covers a vast array of latitudes.) But it is true that we have had amazing meals here — more on that later.

They also say, by the way, that Cusco is the belly button of the world. The navel, the umbilical chord. A thought that has its genesis when Cusco was the living capital of the Inca world, and hence, the centre of their world and the world.

So click here to visit the centre of the world in a photoessay.


One response

  1. oh my! Peru!

    you certainly do get around, don’t ya?

    Sounds like a fabulous trip. Can’t wait to see you this week.


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