I’m so behind with blog posts that there’ll have to be a flurry of them just to clear my conscience for the new year. One highlight almost a month ago deserves some top billing: a day trip down to Chapel Hill, North Carolina for a unique treat.

The treat? Seats four rows off centre court at UNC’s Dean Dome, hallowed ground complete with heavenly light blue ceiling, for fans of college basketball, most specifically UNC’s Tarheels.

It was great fun — preceded by dinner with our fabulous host C and his wife E, fascinating conversation with fellow guests who had come in for the same experience from as far afield as Alaska, and a touch of jazz royalty and absorbing perspectives from part of the Marsalis clan.

The game was rapturous, both from the incredible noise level, the thumping UNC gave Ohio State and the fun of seeing ourselves on TV over the right shoulderof well known TV commentator Dick Vitale‘s shoulder.

But you’ll have to forgive me when I add that an equivalent highpoint for me was dashing (in my pregnant state) up and around the arena in puruit of the Marheel’s mascot Ramses (yes, a ram.) I tracked him and his four-person security team down and they happily obliged this keepsake photo. Go heels!

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One response

  1. Mascot mourning

    I’ve always thought that mascots were the coolest figures on the spirit side of any game. Ever since I saw my first US college mascot in action — the Maryland Terrapin, back in 1995 — and the aforementioned Terp took…

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