It’s amazing how much time you can spend sleeping, lying down and generally doing not very much. Ah well, such is the nature of this viral infection I’m battling. It has provided an opportunity to get to one thing that I’ve been meaning to… return the tag team favour.
The deal is to share five things people don’t know about you and tag up to five fellow bloggers. Hmmm… okay…
1. I don’t like grapefruit (but I do like oranges :0)
2. I can drive left- or right-hand drive vehicles comfortably.
3. Sports mascots are (mostly) cool.
4. I like dishes that combine meats with dried fruits.
5. I am a children’s literature fan.
And now for the point of it all — tagging some other folks. Place of honour goes to the person who tagged me, Kelly McCoy Williams. Next would be Brad Hickey and his week-old blog about being at the epicentre of downunder’s wine harvest right now. Next, Calvin’s future play pal, Oliver, followed by humourist and blogger with true dedication, Kryia Abrahams. For the final one? One of the coolest dudes we know, Tim and his Tuba City blog. (Loved the untitled bonus track on your wedding CD gift!)
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