easter_bonnets.gifIt’s 8:30am Saturday morning. My husband and six-and-a-half-week-old baby are blissfully asleep. I could be too. But instead, I am in our livingroom, coaxing the spoils of a number of Fashion District outings into a wearable egg-stravaganza.

You see, Sunday is Easter Sunday. More specifically, at 10am the doors of the churches lining Fifith Avenue will open after Easter services and out will pour congregants. They will join others who have congregated on Fifth Avenue between E49th and E57th Streets, and all will stroll to and fro displaying their Easter bonnet finery.

It’s a less organized and curated New York parade, but as a hat lover, it’s one I’ve been meaning to participate in. After five years of no-shows, 2007 is about time. This is why instead of catching up on sleep, I am armed with a plume, feathers, hat net, needle, thread and glue gun and going to it on Calvin and my cranium couture.

The parade is a little crazy and so I felt there was no harm in getting a little visually punny. We will be the “Sunnyside up” duo. Calvin donning a brilliantly yellow hat, topped with (in an unconfortably ironic way) a rabbit fur pompom. It’s a richly saturated yellow, one which, in an egg — our visual reference here — would engender any nutritionist to pronounce it rich with Omega 3 and everything else nutritious.

My head will be topped with what’s meant to be a hat paying homage to, you guessed it, a sunnyside up egg, complete with that irregular fried egg white edge, and with a few feathers and net to up the fancy ante. We’ll report back on the experience!

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One response

  1. Hide and go peep

    The subject line, “No chicks in Queens,” greeted me this morning. That on its own brought a smile to my face. But it’s not what you think. No, not a piece of spam, but a piece of intelligence from my…

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