9thaveheader.jpgTwo items recently caught my attention, both forwarded to me by people named Jay :0) Both of them focused on improving or drawing attention to activities that compromise out quality of life. It’s all very “glocal.”

The first struck very close to home. Just left of our apartment complex front door in fact. It’s the 9th Avenue Renaissance, which proposes to get rid of the insane 9th Ave traffic in favour of separate bike and bus lanes, widers pavements and bike parking and benches and trees, oh my. I love it. If you haven’t visited the site, viewed the proposals and made your comments in the survey, do it here!

The second in-box item is the global part, or at least, the national, 20,000 feet up view. That view would be of the trash, smokes and other aspects of American life pictured. Yes. Ever wondered just what an hour’s worth of plastic bottle use looks like? Then look here! Bravo Chris Jordan. This really makes statistics meaningful, albeit horrifying.

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