sharon_bday1_s.gifPerhaps you’ve been as curious as we have to discover how Calvin checks in on his growth (or perhaps not, but anyway.) His four-month check-up fell during the time we were abroad, so this morning we got to check in and check up with his wonderful doctor.

Weight? Any guesses? Surprisingly he’s not as heavy as we all thought — perhaps he just feels heavier the longer you hold him. Currently our little chap weighs in at 18lbs and 8oz, that’s about 8.5 kilograms.

For those noggin watchers, his skull circumference clocks in at 44 centimetres.

Finally, our little guy ain’t so little when it comes to height. He’s a chart breaker, measuring in at 28-and-a-half inches (or 72.6 centimetres) tall. Yup, that is officially off the charts!

He’s also been working on his social skills. Above you can see him meeting and mingling at a borthday celebration for one of Jay’s colleagues. Right now he’s sleeping off the trauma of having his next installment of immunizations… zzzz.

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