C_bed2_s.gifCan you believe that six months (okay, 24 weeks) of maternity leave is drawing to an end? It seemed like a ridiculously long period of time, almost half a year, but here we are down to the last few weeks. Time really does fly when you’re having fun or furiously changing nappies.

One thing we’ve had to consider is Calvin’s care when I return to work. This being New York, we toured our options and applied at three centres when I was still in the first trimester! Our first choice was the United Nations Child Care Centre, but with space for only eight children under one year of age and a hefty waiting list, we had no idea what might happen.

As luck would have it, a few spots became available and Calvin was offered a spot shortly after we returned. It’s one of those offer you don’t refuse i.e. you take it or may not have the chance to refuse a second time. Needless to say we accepted happily, even though the little guy won’t be attending for the next few months.

Why? you ask. Simply because he’s won the grandma lottery. He will be happily in the arms and charms of granny care from July until at least the end of October.

But we’ll be making use of that costly childcare spot. (Don’t ask, it makes private school look quite affordable.) Bearing in mind infants hit a separation anxiety phase around nine months, we’ll be makling sure Calvin gets to know the centre, his primary caregiver (a lovely woman who is off to summer in Albania at the moment) and especially his fellow classmates well in advance.

We had the pleasure of meeting them this past week, and it’s certainly a United Nations — just what we hoped for. (The UNCCC serves the United Nations and diplomatic community in New York.) Calvin’s cohorts include infants from India, Japan, Argentina/Italy, Poland and Viet Nam.

Best of all is that it is handily located directly opposite the building I work in. So even though we have to part, we won’t be too far apart.

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