jacaranda.jpgSheer good fortune has resulted in my being able to post from a much warmer and sunnier climbe than I was in barely a day ago. Yes, with the window of a number of hours and a super-supportive partner, I was able to pack and portage myself to JFK airport and some 18.5 hours later, find myself waking up to a beautiful Highveld summer’s morning in Johannesburg.

A profusely blooming Jacaranda tree greeted me through the windows of my room. For someone whose birthday was always marked with the purple-igying of Pretoria, it was un unexpectedly rewarding sight.

Before you Jozi dwellers get excited, I have to caution you that I’m not going to be able to see anyone on this trip. It’s a heads down, work-related in-and-out involving some intense assessment. And this time I play the role of the bug on the petri dish.

But… December is but a few weeks away, and together with both Jay and Calvin, I look forward to catching up with you then. Until then… wish me luck, particularly for the day-long grilling tomorrow. (Nationally relvant nental picture? Moi on a braai ;0)



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