Growing and evolving.

Growing and evolving.

As summer starts to slip into autumn in the southern hemisphere, progress along the cliffs of Walker Bay continues. This quite different view shows the house from a street away. (Thanks to our architect, RL, for the photo. )

The second storey has grown its many lintels and plaster is smoothing the rough skin of the underlying brick structure. In the coming weeks, the most defining external characteristic of the house will reveal itself — the roof. We are in great anticipation. It should eventually be about equal to the height of the roof on the house to the right.



One response

  1. carol and i eagerly anticipate seeing calvin soon, and also eagerly look forward to our first trip to s. africa. it will be a lifelong dream of mine, and to have tanya and jay as tour guides will truly make it one of my “bucket list check offs”.

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