There will be time for words, I know. When the spectre of sniffly pigs is over… when my most valued partner is back from California… when time changes and travel and yes, loads of fun have settled. There will be time for more words to explain it all.
Until then, I settle for letting pixels tell the story of our long weekend to San Francisco. It was a lovely time spent re-connecting to some of our dearest friends, and discovering with great pleasure that the miles and the months have changed nothing.

For a boy who really likes trains, riding this tot-sized, scaled replica of a steam train was fulfilling a dream he never knew existed. He is sill talking about the train and his friend "O-di-ber" days later... every day.

If we're fortunate, Calvin will realize in about 14 years time, just how lucky he was to hang out with two of the cutest girls around. Here they're all enjoying a German children's book. Lots more fun was had racing pushcars up and down the corridor -- taking turns!

Hanging with the big boys is fun, particularly when they're as kind and interactive as these two! (Note trains in the foreground. Calvin's buddy has a train table that still has him mumbling about it as he drifts off to sleep.)
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