It’s autumn. The temperatures are chilly. The leaves are changing. And it’s time to get out and enjoy the bounteous sunshine, which has been blessedly delivered on weekends. We’ve broken in our Zipcar account and headed upstate and outdoors to enjoy some of the best of autumn action: hay bales, apple picking, and turning leaves.

The highlight this weekend (to counter balance the time spent on health and care) was spending much of Saturday with one of the best people I know, EW. A long-awaited carriage ride, Magnolia cupcakes and co-chef of a first attempt at bi-bimm-bop. Thank you!

On Sunday, Calvin and I headed out to leave Jay to recover in peace and went to Calvin’s first concert — he enjoyed some aspects (seeing the instruments being played), but disliked others (the volume, which I find ironic considering how loud he can be!) Then we hit the Central Park Zoo for lunch and snow leopard spotting.

Click here to check out the photos.


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