So many purls and plains to go it's not funny!

I’ve recently been inspired to two projects by my childhood friend, MTP. One, is a new knitting project… and a second. Somehow knitting projects share something in common with rabbits and those gremlins in the 1984 movie of the same name — they magically give rise to more knitting projects.

In this case, the second project is Calvin’s. He insisted he wanted to knit too. After a purchase of a ball of ‘silver wool’ (which many might describe as shades of grey), a holder and child-sized needles, he is now knitting a scarf.

A knit wit in development

Or to be more precise, we have a deal: I will help him knit a row for every stitch he knits. Looked at another way, it amounts to me knitting 96% of the scarf. Seeing him wrestle determinedly with the needles to make his stitches makes me feel that it’s probably fair given that it’s quite a struggle for him to coordinate it all! It’s also satisfying that he’s been at it over a few days now and reminds me, “Mama, we need to do more knitting!”

Before you think this is going to dissolve into another Calvin posting… keep reading. My shawl project — top right — is the thing that kicked it all off, and that was inspired by MPT. I have to note that MPT is now wearing her knitting project. I, on the other hand, may have bitten off more than I can knit!

It is the small matter of having to knit until the item is 63 inches long. This didn’t register as very long, until I measured my progress two nights ago and realized that the journey to my shrug has barely begun!

The wonderful thing about knitting apart from its soothing creativity, is that it rewards stubborn doggedness. If you just keep at it, eventually it’ll be done. I’m sure there’s a ‘Zen for Knitters’ book out there, something that would assert that “a knitting project of a thousand rows begins with a single stitch.” (Just verified that ‘Zen and the art of knitting’ was published 10 years ago, so there.) It is one of those things that simply takes time, which, in our world of fairly instant results, does have a certain appeal.

Another thing that takes time is getting into better shape, and that self-same MTP has gotten me inspired to join a 30-day commitment to 15 minutes of daily exercise. Day 1, today, was not successful, unless you count an hour of chasing after five-year-olds while chaperoning a trip to the Farmer’s Market. (Confession, they were all so darn good that no running after was required.) Wondering if I can work the averages here, you know, an average of 15 minutes, so if I clock in 30+ minutes tomorrow… It’s simply a matter of time.




One response

  1. Both projects have different objectives, but both are a wonderful use of time! I am so proud of both projects, although different, they will build character and perseverance! I will be cheering you on!

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